Oct 29, 2010

Criminal is not a protected class

Today I wanted to address the bogus claims of discrimination made by illegal immigrants. The basic concept is this: "criminal" is not a protected class.
Many illegal immigrants gather and protest, often claiming discrimination. They usually claim discrimination based on "national origin" or "race." However, the issue here is not the immigrant's national origin or race, but his status as a criminal. The fact that the person is a criminal supersedes his national origin or his race.
Legally, civil rights discrimination applies only certain classes, such as race, sex, and national origin. Note that "criminal" is not on this list.
Categories such as race, sex, and national origin are what you are born with; you had no choice. These are protected classes under discrimination laws.
In contrast, criminal activity is a personal choice. The person can choose to obey the law or to break the law. Thus, if you break the law, that was your personal choice. Therefore you are no longer protected by civil rights discrimination laws.
Therefore, an illegal immigrant cannot claim discrimination, because his criminal activity supersedes any other factor.

Civil Rights Commissions
I have been reading the details of civil rights information provided by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the US Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR). I have also been discussing scenarios and legal facts with various people who work in these areas. Regarding criminals:
• No criminal can claim civil rights discrimination. This is because "criminal" is not a protected class.
• When a person breaks the law, that is his choice, therefore civil rights protections regarding "protected classes" do not apply.
• A criminal has no civil rights related to employment, renting, buying property, or access to public facilities.
Also note that these points apply equally to illegal immigrants as much as to any other type of criminal.