Oct 10, 2011

Class Warfare: It is based on Justice, not Jealousy

There is indeed a class warfare going on today. But it was not started by the poor, middle class, or any politician pandering for votes.

The class warfare was started by the financial elite. The people are simply trying to defend themselves and protect what is rightfully theirs. The ordinary people of the country, the 98% who are not part of the financial elite, are engaged in a movement to protect their future.

Key Elements of the “class war”
There are a few things to remember about the class war of today:

1. The financial elite started the war, by attacking the American people and by looting established businesses.

2. The term “class warfare” was invented by the financial elite to disparage the people. The term has been used to deflect attention from the elite’s serious financial crimes.

3. The financial elite have been using the media over many years to lie repeatedly. This includes false accusations against innocent people so that the elite can deflect attention from their own very real crimes.

4. The 98% of the population who are not part of the financial elite are engaged in a movement to protect everything of value. These people are motivated by justice, not by jealousy.

5. The people are simply trying to defend what is rightfully theirs, to regain stolen assets, and to punish the criminals.

Financial Elite: Pillaging, Looting, Bully Behavior
The financial elite have been pillaging American communities and looting from the American people for decades. It is time that the people take back what was stolen from them. It is time that the people reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

The financial elite have been behaving like school bullies. Yet instead of the school principal telling the bullies to stop, the principal encourages the bully and rewards the behavior.

The authority figures should be the referees, they should be enforcing a fair playing field. Instead, these authority figures are giving the bullies bigger sticks. The referees are cheering the bullies onward as they beat their victims senseless.

Media lies and deflection from crimes
The financial elite have also been using media for their advantage. The financial elite have coined the term “class warfare.” The elite use this term to insult the people, and divert attention from those in power who have really been waging war against Americans.

These elite have always claimed that the rich are innocent, and that the people are selfish. Yet, these accusations are false. In fact, the opposite is true. The financial elite are selfish. The financial elite destroy businesses, destroy communities, and commit fraud, all for large amounts of personal wealth. 

The elite have also claimed that the people are acting out of jealousy. Again, another deflection tactic. The people are not jealous of the criminals. Rather, the people want to be protected from the criminals.

The elite claim that many people want to tear down the wealthy and redistribute the wealth in a socialist manner. This is another lie. The people do not want to steal money, they want the money stolen by the elite to be returned to their owners.

The elite claim that the people want free money for no labor. Again, a lie told by the elite through the media to deflect what is really going on. The people do not want free money for no labor. Rather, the people want honest investors and CEOs who care about the companies instead of just how to get more money. The people want executives who stay with a company for generations, and grow a company honestly. As a result, the free market economy will work. As a result, hard-working Americans can perform their work with pride and be able to support their families. As a result, our nation's economy will prosoper and continue to bloom.

The false accusations against the people are deliberate. Making false accusations against the people deflects the attention from the elite's real and very serious crimes.

Class Warfare and The People’s Army
Is there a class warfare? Absolutely. It is real, and it has been growing for years. Was it started by the people? No, it was started by the financial elite. Only now are the people gathering in large enough numbers to effectively fight back.

The 98% of hard-working Americans, the people who have been unemployed and underemployed for many years, are finally amassing into a people’s army.

In revolutionary terms, you might call this a “militia”.

The people didn’t start this war, but by God the people are going to finish this war. And the people will eventually win.

How do we know the people will win? The fight is very personal: the people are defending their homes, their lives, and their personal freedoms. The people are also motivated by justice and equality.

And never forget the numbers: 98% of the people versus 2% of the elite. If this militia is organized properly, and if effective methods are used in battle, then such large numbers cannot be defeated!

The methods used in this war may vary quite a bit. It is left to the leaders throughout the movement to develop the strategies and goals. Nevertheless, the people's militia, located in pockets throughout the nation, is now ready for the series of battles that will come.

Remember that ordinary Americans fought and died on the beaches of Normandy. Many good men died that day, yet the sheer mass of soldiers (along with their unwavering dedication) conquered that beach. Their dedication ultimately defeated the Nazis throughout all nations. In a similar way, the mass of ordinary Americans of today will fight and eventually defeat the financial elite.

Class warfare: The People Will Win
We are witnessing the natural development of a new militia. This militia is composed of the millions of unemployed and underemployed who have been harmed by the financial elite.

The people of this movement are motivated not by jealousy (as the elite claim), but by the pursuit of justice.

The people did not start this war, but they will finish it. The people will remake society according to basic God given rights and American principles. With determination and a series of effective plans, the people will win this war.

Mark Fennell