Oct 14, 2011

List of General Demands for Occupy Wall Street Movement

One of the common complaints the elite make about the “Occupy” movement is that the people are not able to articulate specific demands. Therefore in order to aid the movement it is called upon individuals like myself to offer such a list.

The following is a List of Demands, created on behalf of the people.

We desire that the federal government and the financial elite take appropriate steps based on these demands to bring economic justice back to our nation.

General Demands
In general terms, the people demand the following:

1. The financial criminals who obtained their wealth through fraud and theft must be brought to justice. All stolen money must be returned to rightful owners. All criminals must be punished according to existing law.

2. Government agencies in all jurisdictions must do whatever is necessary to return stolen money to proper owners, to bring the financial criminals to justice, and to protect the people from any future financial crimes.

3. The financial elite must put the needs of the businesses before personal gain. Executives and investors must be dedicated to gradually growing the business over time, rather than being focused on quick profits and large paychecks.

4. The financial elite are obligated to help ensure that communities are economically healthy and that the nation remains prosperous. Personal wealth must not be obtained by sacrificing the general welfare of the communities or the nation.

5. All elected representatives who assisted the financial criminals in committing their crimes must also be brought to justice. These individuals must be replaced with representatives who are more responsive to the people. These representatives may also be charged with crimes as appropriate.

6. The financial elite must never be given any preferences over other sectors of the economy and other economic groups regarding government policy decisions, legislation, or enforcement of existing law.

7. All government money (actually taxpayer money) which was given to businesses as grants, loans, or stimulus must be immediately returned to the government treasury.

8. Wealthy corporations and individuals must pay their fair share in taxes. Those who benefit from the system to the greatest degree are obligated to return some of their profit to that system. Therefore all corporations and individuals who earn a substantial income must pay all taxes at the existing tax rate, without using any of slight-of-hand accounting methods to reduce their tax obligations.

This is our list of Demands. We further add that every elected representative, every government agency, and every member of the financial community take appropriate action to meet these demands.