Jan 28, 2012

During My First Term as President I Will…

If elected President, by the end of my first term I will do the following:
a) Secure our borders with an effective physical barrier, and deport at least 25% of illegal immigrants.

b) Prosecute at least 60% of financial criminals to the fullest extent of the law, and return all stolen money to proper owners.

c) Create a Small Business and Middle Class Task Force, which will evaluate the effects of all laws and regulations on those two key segments of society, as well as make recommendations to the appropriate officials.

d) Make the financial summaries of government operations easier to access, obtain, and interpret, along with an extensive set of links for more detailed information on each topic.

e) Persuade Congress to pass a series of legislative reforms which will:
1. Provide more oversight of the financial sector.
2. Establish significant restrictions of allowable financial transactions.
3. Restrict foreign ownership of federal, state, and municipal government operations, including infrastructure, security, and bonds.
4. Return authority of most government activities to state and local regions.
5. Increase personal freedoms and allow more personal choices for individuals.

These are the goals I will achieve in my first term as President of the United States.