Jan 21, 2012

I am ready to run for political office

I am ready to run for political office. I am emotionally ready, mentally ready, and physically ready.
I have become an expert in government agencies, civics, and the Constitution. I know more about government operations than most people who work in the government. I know more about the Founders beliefs and legal history than most Constitutional scholars.
I have developed several detailed solutions for specific issues – and I know my reforms will work because I have the insight and experience. I have also refined my ideas over several years. My plans will work.
I also have something many candidates don’t have: integrity. I will not be changing my positions just to make someone like me. I will stick to my beliefs and my plans because they are what most Americans want.
I have been involved in politics, government, and community affairs for over 20 years. I am very ready to implement my reforms and solutions. I am ready to fight the giant squid known as the federal government, and free the people from their oppressors.
I am ready to be in political office.