Jul 4, 2012

“I Declare my Independence”

Today is Independence Day. It is the day we celebrate our independence from the king of England. It is the day we declared our independence from the old society, to create our own new ways of operating.

Yet, today I do not feel independent. I do not see independence. I do not see it or feel it anywhere in my life, in our society, or in our country. Rather, I feel that we are living under Tyranny.
For years, I have seen and felt nothing by Tyranny. Tyranny from the government. Tyranny from capitalists and the 1%. Tyranny from willing accomplices in society. 

We cannot celebrate independence today, because we do not have independence. We do not have independence in any form.

Tyranny of the Government
The government dictates our behaviors. They tell us what we can and can’t do. They restrict anything that is fun and pleasurable. They restrict the way we talk, the things we say, the things we do. The government restricts everything about being a true, free person. The government restricts us as natural humans.

The government has selective bias. The government has long ago stopped treating people as equal. No, the government likes some people, and dislikes others. The government will help certain types of people, and not others.

Tyranny of the 1%, Capitalists, in conjunction with Government
In particular, the government assists the 1%, those people who are already wealthy beyond comprehension. The government writes laws in favor of the 1%. The government allows the 1% to commit theft on a large scale without being punished.

The government allows the 1% to commit acts of slander, extortion, and physical violence with complete immunity.

The government gives money away – money which belongs to the citizens – to the 1%, for no other reason than because the government prefers the 1%.

Yet the government has other biases as well, particularly in the area of unemployment. The government pretends to offer unemployment assistance, yet they will not give unemployment benefits to those who have been unemployed for over 6 months. Indeed the government denies assistance to those people who need it the most. (Meanwhile, the government give $ millions and $ billions to the wealthiest 1%, for no logical reason at all.)

The government is also biased in the area of job creation, still believing that the capitalists and the 1% are the ones who create jobs. (In fact, capitalists and the 1% have never created jobs. In fact, these are the people who destroy jobs).

This brings us to the capitalists and the 1% very specifically. They are the most evil beings in modern history. For decades they have destroyed businesses, they have destroyed peoples’ lives, and they have destroyed local economies. The capitalists have a power and a tyranny which is far worse than anything the colonials ever faced under England.

Tyranny in the Workplace and Restricted Human Behavior
Then there are willing accomplices in society. Between the government and the willing accomplices in society, everything is restricted beyond endurance. The rigid workplace is the most important example. In the workplace you are denied the most basic of human rights. You cannot talk to others. You cannot have friends. You are not allowed to joke. You are not allowed to have fun.

In the workplace, you are not allowed to show that you are a male or female, to dress for attention, to flirt, or any related activity. In some cases, you are not allowed to meditate, to have asthma or to have any medical condition which draws attention to yourself. You are not allowed to be human. Tyranny, tyranny, tyranny.   

Co-workers and subordinates are permitted to slander your good name, fabricate incredible lies about you. And yet the accused is not allowed any fair hearing. He or she is simply dismissed, simply based on the slander, while the accuser is allowed to remain. There is no justice.

The worker has no rights whatsoever. Everything is “at-will”, which means that an employer can fire the employee without any cause. The employee can be the best performer in the company.  He can be highly dedicated, always doing his best. Yet, simply because the employer does not like his personality, or beliefs (or because of slander), the employee can be discarded in seconds like a used tissue. No discussion, no hearing, no options of working through the problem, just simply discarded. This is unjust. This is tyranny.

Tyranny of Society and of the Social Norms
Finally, we come to personal beliefs and actions in our society.  Personal choices and lifestyles are forbidden by government. Personal pleasures such as a marijuana and prostitution are deemed criminal. (And the large scale theft of the capitalist 1% is still legal, where is the justice?)

Disciplining a child is considered abnormal, if not totally illegal. Particular religions face extreme prejudice (particularly pagan religions, new age religions, and Wicca).

Some groups have decided “social norms”. Who are they? Nebulous groups, with will willing supporters, yet tyrannical nonetheless. If any of your actions or beliefs deviate from those social norms in any way…you are deemed expendable in modern society.

Society as a whole has discarded the best and brightest of individuals. We have a tyranny composed of government, psychologists, and close-minded people, who together form a tyranny over anyone who is creative and different.

If you are a free-thinker, then you are not allowed. Just as in the days of Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, all free-thinking individuals have been driven underground to discuss their ideas - for fear of persecution.

If you have ideas and beliefs which are different from the “accepted social norms”, then you are deemed unworthy of society. You are called derogatory terms. You are forbidden from many activities which other people enjoy. If society allowed it, these free-thinkers would be burned at the stake like witches in Salem.

Remember John Nash (as shown in the movie “A Beautiful Mind”). He would not be allowed to live today. He would not be allowed to enroll in a university. In fact he probably would have been given a court order forbidding him from stepping on any university campus. This is the society we live in today. Tyranny, tyranny, tyranny.

Declaring our Independence
Therefore, rather than celebrating our independence (which we do not have), we must Declare our Independence. We must start a new War for Independence.

We must allow, and encourage, all types of human behavior. People should be allowed to exist as they are and accepted as they are. Every person should be allowed to live as they desire, to exhibit his/her personality, and pursue their desires. And they should be allowed to do this without prejudice in the workplace, restrictions from government, or being treated as a social outcast.

We must take apart our current society. We must eliminate the vast majority of concepts of “social norms”. (Only the most basic social norms shall remain - such as prohibitions against theft, murder, and large scale damage to communities).
We must fight to allow free-thinkers to prosper. We must encourage people of all beliefs, with all lifestyles, with all desires, to live as they truly desire.
We must allow, and encourage, each person to act as he or she desires, without any hindrance from government, prejudiced supervisors, or closed-minded community groups.

We must declare war on our government.  We must bring the corrupt politicians to justice. We must repeal all laws which restrict human behavior.  We must radically alter our system of elections, to create a system where only those candidates who believe in freedom will be elected.

Fighting for our Freedoms
Today we are not free. Today we live under Tyranny – in a variety of forms. We must fight our way to true freedom. Yet today we can also Declare our Independence.

Today we must pledge our hearts, our minds, and our lives to restoring true and absolute freedom. This is a War for our Independence. This is a War for our Freedom.

The methods of warfare may be different, and there are many enemies to destroy. Yet we will destroy those enemies. We will find a way. We will – WE WILL – prevail.

The individual cost will be minimal if we challenge tyranny together. The sacrifice will be minimal compared to the final benefit - a life of absolute personal freedom.

Join me in the fight for our Freedom. Join me in challenging all forms of tyranny, regardless of the personal cost, so that we may all benefit from the greater joy of absolute personal freedom

M.F. 2012