Jun 2, 2013

Summaries of Democracy in America, Alexis De Tocqueville,

"Democracy in America" is a famous and historic book. There is much we can learn from "Democracy in America." However, this book is a very difficult read.
There is a scene from one of my favorite movies which expresses these twin concepts of the famous book. The scene goes something like this:
"I haven't actually read Democracy in America."
"But I thought you said it was the most important book on democracy ever written."
"That's all I know about it. That's all anybody knows about it. Few people have actually read it."
When you pick up a copy of the book, and start to read it, you will see how true that statement is.
The book is long (my version is almost 1000 pages.) The writing isn't very good. (Alexis de Tocqueville does not write clearly.) Therefore, as that movie scene mentioned, very few people have actually read "Democracy in America."
Where does that leave us? Well, I am one those few who HAS read this book.
Therefore, I hope to guide you through the book in these webpages.
These are my goals:
1. To give you a basic understanding of the book, as a whole.
2. To give you a perspective, should you read the book, which will help you understand the book more easily.
3. To provide some analysis and quotes from this large book.
In the coming sections I will provide some summaries of the book which may be useful and interesting to you.